Managing Your Online Account

Managing Your Online Evergreen Account
Logging into your account from the online catalog:

Open a web browser and navigate to your Evergreen OPAC (

Click My Account.

Enter your Library Card Number/Username and enter your Pin/Password.

By default, your username is your library card number.

Your password is a 4 digit code provided to you when your account was created. If you have forgotten your password, contact your local library to have it reset or use the Forgot your password? link.

Click Login.

At the first login, you may be prompted to change your password.

If you updated your password, you must enter your Username and Password again.

Your Account Summary page displays.

To view your account details, click any of the tabs above the Account Summary.

To start a search, enter a term in the search box at the top of the page and click Search.

Password Reset

To reset your password:

Click on the Forgot your password? link on the account login screen.

Fill in the Barcode, User name, and Email address associated with the account.

A message should appear indicating that your request has been processed and that you will receive an email with further instructions.

An email will be sent to the email address you have registered with at your Evergreen library. Click on the link included in the email to open the password reset page. (It may take a few minutes to get the email)

At the reset email page you should enter the new password in the New password field and re-enter it in the Re-enter new password field.

Click Submit.

A message should appear on the page indicating that your password has been reset.

Login to your account with your new password.

Account Summary

On the Account Summary page, you can see when your account expires, the number of items checked out, the number of items on hold, and the number of items ready for pickup. The Account Summary page also lists your current fines and payment history.

Items Checked Out

Here, you can manage items currently checked out and renew items. You can also view overdue items and see how many renewals are remaining for a specific item.


Here, you can manage items that you’ve requested to be placed on hold.

Actions include:

Suspend – set a period of time during which a hold will not become active

Activate – manually remove the suspension

Cancel – remove the hold request

Edit options include:

Change pick up library.

Change the “Cancel unless filled by” date, also known as the hold expiration date.

Change the status of the hold to either active or suspended.

Change the “If suspended, activate on” date, which reactivates a suspended hold at the specified date.

To edit items on hold:

Select the hold you want to modify.

Click Edit.

Select the change you want to make and follow the instructions.

Account Preferences

Here, you can manage display preferences including your Personal Information, Notification Preferences, Search and History Preferences, and My Lists Preferences. Additional static information, such as your Account Expiration Date, can be found under Personal Information.

Personal Information

Change your Password

Change your preferred Email Address.

Notification Preferences

Edit how you would like to be notified of a hold that’s ready for pickup.

Change the phone number you’d like to be notified on.

Change email preferences.

Search and History Preferences

Change how many items appear per page when searching.

Change your preferred search location and pickup location.

Let the system know if you want to keep a history of your checked out item and/or holds.

After changing any of these settings, click Save at the bottom of the page to store your preferences.