Library Services
Loan Periods
Books 3 weeks
Audiobooks 3 weeks
Magazines 1 week
Hotspots 1 week
Video Games 1 week (Limit: 1 game per household)
New DVDs 3 days
DVDs 1 week (Limit: 6 DVDs per household)
Overdue Charges
Overdue Monon Library Items $0 per day
Lost Items Cost of Item or Replacement
Copy, Fax, Scanning, Laminating
Black & White Copies 10¢ per page
Color Copies 25¢ per page
Faxes Sent or Received 50¢ per page
Scanning Free on Public Computer, .05¢ at copy machine
Laminating 50¢ (small), $1.00 (large)
Library Card Replacement Fee
Lost Library Card Replacement $2.00
Interlibrary Loan
If the library does not have a book that you want, we can try to borrow it from another library. You must have a valid Evergreen Indiana library card. Borrowers are responsible for books that are overdue, lost or damaged.
Memorial/Gift Fund
The library welcomes monetary donations for materials or library improvement. These donations may be given in honor or in memory of an individual, or just as a gift.
Children’s Services
Children of all ages are invited to use the library!
In the Children’s Department you will find:
Board books for babies and toddlers
Beginning readers
Picture books
Chapter books
Reference materials
Book and cassette read-alongs
Puzzles & toys
Computers which include word processing, internet (with parent permission) and educational games.
Children of kindergarten age and older may own their own library card. A parent must register the child and present identification of address.
Children under 6 must have a parent or adult caregiver stay with them in the library. Children 6 and older who cannot work independently should not be left unattended.